Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Get to Class!

So, I'm sitting here downloading 215 images from my camera to my hard drive and..... let's just put it this way: I have some time to kill.

I'm going to have to put blogging on a T.O. Time out, that is. I signed up for this CS2 class, paid my lovely $60 (not bad), and only did the first 5 classes. Now, it's about to expire and the classes that I really NEED are the ones that I haven't completed yet. (Right, Jess? Ha...) Anyway, I'm going to browse through them real quick and then save/print them so that I have them for future reference. The class just lost interest when the first courses were so basic... I was falling asleep reading them. But I know the lessons I haven't done, which are marked advanced, will be helpful.

56 of 215 images saved. Great... on a roll.

I've got a lot of crap to do this week. Join the club, huh? Life as adult is not fun and games.... NOT FAIR. But anyway.... I do this to myself so, I'm over it.
Wanna see another list? No, I didn't think so. This list is for me.... move onto a different blog for entertainment because you're not going to find any here.

  • The house is trashed again, Jaime. Clean it (That's a whole different bullet point. See your notepad.) Then you can:
  • Take pictures and get the ad ready for MilitaryByOwner.com
  • Finish CS2 class and save/print material
  • Finish the laundry and try to put it away this time. Your last effort at this was ridiculous.
  • Wash the bedding. It's getting gross. I'm no Oprah, people.
  • De-clutter the high top counter for the 100th time this week already, keep it that way!
  • Finish Design Boards and send them out for printing.
  • Oh my... there are some cute shots that you just downloaded. Post a couple to your blog and show people how dang cute your kids are:) hehe... kidding.
  • Go take pictures of the new coffee shop downtown. You love the color combination and wanted to email it to Manda.

Are you guys still reading this? Good.. I didn't think so.

Good. 215 images saved.


Mel said...

One word....DORK!!! I believe I have figured out where I got my dorkiness from...not my mom, or my dad...I got it from my childhood AWESOME babysitter...all you mom's out there beware...your babysitters have more influence on your kids' lives than you think...I'm living proof!!!:)

jessica said...

you can pay me for a photoshop class anytime :~P

send me the boards so i can see!

Mary said...

I'm back again!
Is your photoshop class online? Just curious.