Yeah, he's certainly not a baby anymore. The day was a nice day, it started out at the hair salon. That did not end well. This would be his first professional haircut. He looks like he's 6 now. It's nuts.
I have no idea what this smile is all about. Honestly, I do not remember it. I just remember the crying:)
This was during the hair-cut intermission. The back is mostly done, the front is like Ace Ventura. Maybe I should have just left it this way??
After hair cuts, we went to Imagination Station with our friends and had a good 'ol time. Imagination Station, for those who don't live here, is a place with like 15 (actually, prob more but I don't want to exaggerate) different areas for kids to play. Dane is on the jet ski here..... with a goobery looking haircut..... and there's a full size raft on a water bed too!! And then the grocery store, a huge train, Veterinary clinic, doctor office, dress up with a stage puppets, and the list goes on. It's fun. The moms basically stand in the middle of the room and talk. That's why we love it:)
I taught him well. Push that cart, boy!!
And look at princess Nay in the background. She tells me that she is going to try on EVERY dress at ImagStn. She gets to about 3 and she's done.... ha.
I made these cupcakes for the kids.... just a little too time consuming for me. But probably the easiest, least time consuming recipe in this cupcake book my friend Tori gave me. Seriously, some of the coolest cupcakes in there but, I can't hang.
Typical, juice boxes and cupcakes. Nothing crazy here....
Party boy, you're doing everything. It makes me crazy to see you grow up like this!! You're talking all over the place and you have great manners. I love it. Don't stop.
We call you so many nicknames, you answer to Gabriel in the nursery. It's scary.... son, your name is NOT Gabriel. But it is Chumpy Lumpy, D Boy, Diesel, Dozer, Boo-G (boochie).... I know there are more but I'm brain dead right now.
You are in love with trains...... Anything loud is a choo-choo.
You love driving in the front seat of your dad's BMW. And you can because it's so old, there are no air bags. You CHILL up there. It's awesome. You just put your hand out the window and twirl your fingers in the breeze. You wear your little Oakley glasses and have the seat reclined back just a bit.... You are the bomb, kid.
You still kiss with your fish lips, all big and pouty. You still love to cuddle your mom and dad for a few minutes. Or maybe it's seconds. But I want to exaggerate that.
Your favorite movie has to be Wall-E right now. Sick.... you love TV. It's so sick. It's a good thing you can pretty much count to 10 or I'd be freaking out. And that you still love playing with cardboard boxes. At least I know that you don't have to have wads of color zipping by your face all day long:)
You love Chocolate milk from fast food restaurants. And your favorite food is MacNCheese, hands down. You shovel it in, Dozer.
You are still in your crib, but you love to hop into a big bed and pull the overs up to your chin. Man, it is so cute. I can't believe how much joy that one little act brings me!! It's adorable.
And I have to say that probably your favorite thing to do in the whole wide world is: TAKE A SHOWER. Honestly, it's ridiculous. You've definitely broke your mom and dad in for what's to come in the teenage years (hint, hint: Naydine). Thank you for that.
I don't to forget to say how good you are doing on the potty. You pooped on the potty the day before your birthday and I didn't know until like 15 min after you did it. Well, you did come and tell me but you said you did a "pee-pee". And son, THAT IS NO PEE-PEE. Pretty soon, you'll do it and we can say goodbye to buying Pampers and hello to that 10 speed. Sick.
You are a BLESSING!!! We thank Jesus for you everyday!! Love you, son!
I'm glad he got a better haircut than the hack-job we gave him last time :) Great job on the cupcakes buddy!
Happy Birthday Dane!!
Looks like you had fun on your playdate at imagination station. Sounds like you are keeping yourself busy..good job!
jaime you are right his new haircut makes him look older...hes so cute as is princess naydine!!
Luv ya guys,
J,L and kids
Happy Birthday Dane!!
Looks like you had fun on your playdate at imagination station. Sounds like you are keeping yourself busy..good job!
jaime you are right his new haircut makes him look older...hes so cute as is princess naydine!!
Luv ya guys,
J,L and kids
love the new pics!
whew...i was beginnig to wonder what happend to you! ;) great updates.
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