Saturday, December 20, 2008

In the Christmas Spirit

Besides working on getting all my clients their Christmas cards and pictures, I've been busy with my family, too!! Fun stuff, I tell ya! They are just the most important thing in my life and I just love looking back on these pictures because, well, pictures do their job. They remind me of how much JOY my family brings to me and how funny my kids are!

Here is Naydine's first Christmas program and I got the classic pictures. First she sees me and waves.

And then she starts in with the fake cheese. Man, I love that girl:)

Last weekend we went with Tu and Ruthie over to the Carolina to check out all the deco and were able to get these night shots for their Cmas card. I loved these shots..... so pretty. It was a beautiful night. Minus Dane being a complete butt hole. Man, something is up with this child. Teething. It's got to be teething. Something! ugh...

Here we are inside the Carolina and I could barely take any pictures because Dane was completely insane running everywhere. Not cool with all the deco. Ugh.
And my camera-shy girl.....

Oh, here's the turd now. Dane, I love you but DANG BOY! Hey, at least you were going pee on the potty today:) Good boy!:) And you are saying please..... those are good things. Maybe you still will get a Christmas gift after all..... hehehe.

Oh yeah, did I mention it's been 70* the last 3 days. I didn't say sunny and 70*, just 70*. Which, my friends, I'm going to take. I'm headed to the tundra in a few days. Brrrrr!

Thought I should get an update of the house because when we get back, it surely better NOT look like this still! Heaven help me.....
Yeah, we have windows and a roof. Shingles, in the yard. It's been raining. We also have the guts. Most of the guts. And I have my kitchen island figured out. It felt good to get that nailed down. And, I think we have our stone picked out after today.
I feel so bad for our kids. We have been lugging them everywhere and all they do is sit in the truck and watch movies or get yelled at for being naughty in stores. Did I really think it was a good idea to bring Dane to pick out plumbing fixtures? No, I didn't but who in the crap is going to babysit during the day on a week day? They are all in high school!
Seriously, I can't wait for some down time. They deserve it!!
And for the record, Eli and I are doing awesome at being on the same page about picking everything out. So far, no arguments over who gets what and what color, etc. I know that won't last forever but, it feels nice to be agreeing with your husband:)

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

I Can't Sleep

I'm laying in bed last night, listening to the sound of tiny feet coming down the stairs. It's approximately 1:45am. "Hi, Naydine", I said. "I can't sleep", replied Naydine. Yeah... well, neither could I. I think I was dreaming about editing pictures, which is like a sick nightmare. And I'm sure there are plenty out there that can completely relate, if you will even read this blog anymore!! I don't blame you! I'm a loser!!!

This is the sweet face that woke me again at 5:30am with, "I can't sleep". What the heck??!?!?! Was she awake in her bed from 1:45-5:30? I highly doubt it but dang, girl!

And this is the sweet face that woke about 1/2 an hour later. Just sleep a little longer guys... that's all I'm asking:)

How much has Dane changed since my last post?!?! He's a big boy now!

Here are the kids last week, working on the new house. Yes, we are still building a house. I'm sure you all thought we were digging a grave by now, not a foundation. No, we are still kicking.

And this was our house when I took this picture. Um.... I think it was last week?? Yeah... must be, we have roof trusses and maybe some other stuff now.... I don't know, I haven't been out there in a few days......

I probably have a million other things I could write about..... honestly, they are not coming to me. I mean, do you really want to hear about how I have waiting on galleries? Um, no, I doubt it. And I'm kind of ticked that I'm missing out on everybody's give aways. Crap, I should do a give away. I could give away my kids' Halloween candy. Ha. Kidding. But if I did a give away, then people would maybe come back to me??? Well, not that I had herds coming to view my page anyway but..... Am I supposed to win something first to start a give away?? No... I doubt it. But I did win one time...... just. one. time. DANG. YIPPIE.
Okay, check back. Maybe I'll be doing a give away. For the fun of it. Hey, maybe I should check my counter and see how many hits I've had:) hehehe....
Miss you all. xoxoxo.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Pee, Teeth and a Walkathon

I'm at a loss for titles these days. Can you tell??
Dane is starting to potty train. No, he doesn't come tell us when he has to go. But, if you put him on the potty, he'll go. He'll push as hard as he can, normally he'll fart first, then a little bit of pee will come out. It is so dang cute.... oh my word.

So I bought him some underwear. They are kind of cool. Kind of cool until he crapped in them this morning and now I remember why I'm not really looking forward to the process of potty training. Ha....

Dane is also working on getting his top 2 teeth. Yeah, he'll be 18 months on the 9th. And yes, you are reading that correctly. He is working on getting his 3rd tooth. It looks huge. Hopefully my angel isn't going to have some huge baby buck teeth. haha..... but probable. They just look enormous!:)

We had Naydine's Walkathon at school yesterday. Thank you to all who donated!!

I'm about to post the Swank wall art on my photoblog. Check over there later. And just so you know, I am not claiming this photowall as an original idea. Why reinvent the wheel??

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Terrible Blogger

Yes, I am a TERRIBLE blogger. I NEVER do it lately. I just don't have time. I should have time, but I've been working on my photography blog. I have to get this together. Stuff is happening and I need to get on board.

Check it out here or use the link in the side bar. It's not finished, but it's a good start. And it will never be finished, it's a blog..... duh. Wow, that was a dumb thing to write.

Something very cool is happening tomorrow. I think. I did a photoshoot with the Swank Girls and we are putting up their Wall Art this week. omg.... I think it's going to be really cool. Swank is a coffee shoppe and handmade market in town. I love it in there. The girls, Jessica and Petra, make their own jewelry and stained glass. But they also have tons of other hand made items in there like bags, art, children's/baby clothes, just COOL STUFF! Anyway, we did a shoot featuring the girls and their handmade items and are putting it on the wall. They are both beautiful and their stuff is awesome, it was pretty easy for me to just press the shutter button. Look for an update on the photoblog as soon as it's on the wall!!

The only house update I have is that our lot is cleared and I'm guessing we'll have a foundation in next week. Sweeeeeeeet. Because I needed an office like, yesterday!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

1001 Updates

There's a lot going on around here. I have a ton to update on. Let's touch briefly on the highlights.

Naydine is back in pre-school. This year she is at Sandhills Classical Christian School and so far, so good. Her teacher actually attends our church, so we'll be seeing her 4 days a week! Here are her First Day of School pictures, back date to Sept. 3. Slacker mom takes 2 weeks to post these important photos of her firstborn. Oops.

I've borrowed this book from my friend Jessica. I need to be honest, my kids do not eat properly. I throw them hot dogs, chicken nuggets, corn dogs, waffles. These are my staples. SICK. When did I start this?? Oh yeah, when they stopped eating what I wanted to eat and I thought they were going to starve to death. Not that I expect them to eat fresh Sockeye Salmon off the grille with sauteed asparagus. Kidding... I only eat like that every once in a while.
I've made a couple of the recipes. And with all recipes, they must be tweaked. I'm basically making things like I always make them, but just adding pureed vegetables. Which is cool. I don't really care if my kids eat lowfat. I like Dane chubby and Naydine needs the fat. I've made the chocolate beet cake, which I know is delish because my MIL has made that for me before. Just made some chili tonight and I've also added sweet potato to some Velveeta shells the other day. I literally could not taste the difference. Some stuff I can, some I can't.
Naydine is doing pretty good with it. Dane, not so much.

Anybody else out there sneaking veggies into their kids meals??

Moving on.....

I've been doing some photo shoots lately. Which is taking up ALL my time. Editing them is RETARDED and FUN. Haha...... But most of all, TIME CONSUMING. I have started a photography blog, which I'm not ready to share with all my bloggy friends at this point, but be on the look out in the next few days. I have a good portion done but just need to add a few more pictures and details.
I have an interesting shoot on Friday. It's for the local D.A. who is going for re-election. She has asked me to shoot their 'Meet and Greet the Candidate' photos as well as some candid shots at the BBQ fundraiser. Cool, considering Elizabeth Dole is likely to be there!

I have a HOUSE UPDATE. I need a crowd cheer on this one people. We have approvals and we should be putting up the silt fence tomorrow, I believe. Which is a START. This is not technically breaking ground, but to me it is! hahaha.....

Other than that, anybody want to see a picture of the pottery I painted last Diva Night. Haha.... I didn't think so! I'll impress you at a later date!

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Daddy's Pick

Actually should be: Daddy's Pic. Eli took these pictures the other night when I was out with the girls. Dane is actually looking at the camera in 2 of these! Something he'll never do for me because he's too busy, you know, trying to hug and kiss and snuggle me. It's not that he's too busy playing trucks to look up. Don't be fooled:)

Been Eat'n Cookies

I made these popsicookies the other day. Kinda fun. Naydine likes them!

It's my friend, Jessica's, birthday today. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! We went out the other night and painted some pottery. It was a blast. The local shop here has Diva Night once a month. You can come in with your own wine, snacks, etc. and paint pottery for a couple hours. We really had a great time, a lot of laughs, and definitely looking forward to next month's Diva Night.

I've also been messing around with my camera. Trying to learn more, trying to be steady, etc. I'm going to do a shoot with my friends, Dean and Tori, tomorrow after church. I'm looking forward to it. Tori used to do some modeling, so, I'm thinking she should be easy!! hahaha...

Hope everybody is having a nice, long, relaxing weekend!!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

New Lens

Okay, so I haven't blogged in a while. I've been busy.

Since my last blog, we've been to Florida. I might have a few pictures to post, but nothing great. Eli has been back at work so, it's been hectic with the kids. Dane, he's started the terrible two's. Which is fine, he's just not taking too well to the fact that this life is not all about him. If that's the case, do most people even leave the terrible two's?

I bought a new lens. 28-135mm. The AF seems a little slow to me, but all I can really compare it to is the 50mm f/1.8. Which, I totally miss that DOF with this new lens. However, it is nice to have some range in the bag. Um, did y'all like my new lingo?? hahha.... whatever.

Here are a few shots with the new lens.....

Maybe I'll get with the program and do a real post soon!! Let me collect my thoughts. I know there is more stuff I would like to write about Dane because I don't want to forget them.
Off to the library, I promised Naydine!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Strawberry Shortcake: Recap

The party went as well as a 3 y.o. party can go, I guess.

Great weather. Check.
Perfect cake. Check.
Juice boxes. Check.
Lunchables. Check.
Sick Birthday Girl. Check.

Yeah..... she was not feeling the best. But she made a go for it.

Here's the deal with the cake. Awesome, huh?? So, my friend Bootsie volunteered a few months back to bake a cake with her Strawberry Shortcake pan for the SS party. Well, let's just say, she skipped using the pan. This is actually our builder and his wife building this cake. Marshmallow fondant, buttercream icing, and fancy candle. This cake was awesome looking AND awesome tasting. So, thank you Bootsie and Jason!

Yes, she is jumping off the diving board. And LOVING it!! It's so funny. She's so small and she just jumps right off there. However, when I zoom up on her face in these pics, it looks scared! hahaha....

Yeah, a picture of me finally made the blog!! hahaha.... RARE!

Rock out, Jazzy!!

Dean and Tori. Thanks for coming guys!!

I think Ryder was the only child to finish all his cake! hahaha... Get it done, boy!!

Thanks for all the birthday wishes for Naydine!! She's "free" now! haha.... three......

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Happy Birthday, baby

Naydine, I cannot believe you are 3. It's impossible. Well, 3 years really isn't that many. But 6lb 14oz, 19 3/4" long, tiny baby girl, was a long time ago.

You are beautiful in so many different ways. Your heart, it is sooooo soft. You love your family. And you love your friends. And animals. And your soon to be friends. You are a good girl. Yes, you have your moments, but you ARE good.

You do no like to look at my camera... so this shot surprises me. Thanks, honey. I really wanted a birthday picture of you!!

You are going to start your new school soon. Again, I can't believe you do school. You really love school. If you didn't love it so much, I wouldn't send you till you were going to Kindergarten. This year you'll be at the Sandhills Classical Christian School. And if all goes well, and mom and dad can afford, I hope you can continue going there while we live in Southern Pines. Pretty soon you'll be able to write your name. You can almost say your name right. I'm sorry we gave you a big name. Well, not really. But you used to call yourself Teenie Deenie. And now you are saying, "Daydine". Very cute. I love it. You know your birthday is August 10. I want to say all the stuff that you know, but seriously, we'd be at this forever. A long time ago, you knew your mom was "Jaime" and your dad was "Eli". No, you don't know our phone number yet. Let's keep it that way. You are only 3.

I think you weigh about 25 pounds. Your hair is getting THICK. Your eyes are more grey than blue now. You look identical to your mother at age 3, but way skinnier and your hair is curlier. Most of your pants are still 18 months, shirts are 2T. Your shoe size is 6.5. Right now your favorite movie is Veggie Tales: Moe's Big Exit. You love your Moose A. Moose stuffed animal, Baby Born, your snugglies and dresses. This year, Strawberry Shortcake was your party theme. I wonder what next year will be?? I love wondering what you'll want to discover next!

Honey, you melt our hearts. We don't want you to get any bigger. But you will and we are going to love you BIGGER.

We love you!
Mom and Dad

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Better Late than Never!

Almost a month ago, I took these pictures for Amy and Josh of my nephew, Landen. Yeah, I'm just getting the CD ready for her now. I'm a slacker Aunty. Sorry guys! But here's a little preview of the CD that WILL BE IN THE MAIL THIS WEEK! I promise:) haha...

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Play Date

Yesterday we had a play date over at my friend Jessica's. Since my kids won't look at the camera anymore, I thought I should practice taking pictures of my friend's kids.

It was nice in their backyard, plenty of shade for a 95* day!! My kids basically just wanted to play in their playroom the entire time, by themselves. Aaahh, and I just let them! Peace and quiet:)

This is Ethan. He was hilarious! He was jumping in the mud and peeing all over the backyard. Hahaha....

And Ethan's brother, Evan...

And here is Jasper. She's been on the blog before, but when she was only 6 days old..... here she is at 3 months and has the cutest nickname, JAZZY. I love it!

Here's Jessica, filling up the huge pool. haha...

And here's Amelia.... she's also been on the blog before. She reminds me so much of Naydine when she was younger. Just so tiny...... I miss it!!

And here's Jazzy again.... She started smiling all over the place and I must have gotten excited because most of those shots turned out blurry. Ugh.... I hate when that happens.