Sunday, October 28, 2007


Maybe there are a few out there who need to see this. It's really no big deal, just something that I'm going to buy.

I'm going to take this buy at Target......

And turn it into this look, from Potterybarn....

And save myself a whopping $320. Is it worth it, we ask? TOTALLY!!! Plus, I bought a bunch of accessories for it today. Holiday type stuff... It's going to be good!! I'm excited. Only downer, the bench set at Target was 15% off last week and.... not this week. Oh well....

I love POTTERYBARN. I mean, who doesn't. Come on.... The day that I can actually afford to buy my furnishings there is going to be a fun day. But until then, I'm going to continue copycat-ing their designers. You'll never go wrong....

So, when I do my kids' rooms, I just look at their paint and color schemes, accessories, etc and then go shopping.

I helped my sister in-law, Amy, do a focal point in her living room a few months ago. It turned out beautiful. We basically took the catalog with us and went shopping.

I'll shop anywhere.... Ross, Marshalls, Kirkland Home, Bed Bath & Beyond, blah, blah, blah. YARD SALES. I took an old ugly 80's end table and had Eli help me distress it and paint it. It sort of looks something like this.... well, totally a different table and it's finished in the blue distress. So, if you've seen the collection, the blue one. I mean, there's is better but it was a good try. You know? Eli rocks at doing this stuff. So, he pretty much did all the work. First you strip it. Then you distress it (chains, burning, nails, drills, just tear it up!). Next, paint. Then what we did was take a stain and try to concentrate on the areas where it would wear first, naturally. Apply and wipe off. We are not pros... we're just trying to make stuff in our spare time.

But I guess the point is that it's okay to copycat. It'll turn out good!!

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Under Construction

So, if you ever check my blog, you'll notice that I'm trying something different. Yeah, like changing my blog name, for starters. OF COURSE I HAVE TIME TO BLOG. I'm on here every night, for crying out loud!
I just am the moron that doesn't know how to use HTML codes and I'm just going to use somebody's fun template that they made. So, I tried a few things and now I've lost all my links to the blogs I want to read. I'm seriously so dang pissed.... ugh!
Does anybody read their post back and realize that they totally didn't make any sense? Yeah.. that's me. What the heck? It's like the thoughts are forming in my head and then, I lose track. I was never a good writer.... or is this ADD??
I'm too tired to fix this any more tonight.....

Friday, October 26, 2007

As I Get Older

As I get older, there is so much more I want to learn. Where was thirst for knowledge when I was in school and had endless hours to learn? It drives me nuts. Not that I live regretting anything I do. If I did it, I did it and that's that. Just don't do it again, LEARN.

I just want to be able to do things myself. If something needs fixing, I want to do it. No, kidding. I really don't. I want Eli to do it. I don't want to have to call the electrician and wait 4 days till he can come out and look at my electrical in my garage. I just want it done NOW. So, this thirst for knowledge come from my lack of patience? It's very possible.
I think the other reason I want to be able to do things myself is because people normally don't do things as well as you'd like them done. I'm always finding fault with work people have done for me. It's either sloppy, so they charged more than they are worth. People take FOREVER when you are paying them to plumb, tile, wire, drywall, etc. So I'm glad that Eli is fairly handy. And If he doesn't know how to do something, he'll take the 105 hours to figure it out. And, it normally looks great and I don't critique it. Is that how you really spell critique. I just spell checked it (so I don't look like a moron) and, it looks like I'm right? No way....

But the one thing I have to pay to get done are photographs. I would really like to learn this skill of photography. I think I've talked about it 100 times on here already. I just love all the work I've been seeing. So, if you don't mind commenting on how you started taking photos and getting so dang good at it, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks Jenny, for letting me pick your brain a few times! I'm not going to have time to get as good as you guys, but I'd like to take some great pictures of my little guys. I like to scrapbook. I mean, I never do it anymore. But, I'd like some great photos in their books when I finally do them. And when they get older, I'd like to take pictures of their events. I want to have their life, in pictures. I LOVE looking at great shots. Who doesn't? So, do I start out by just buying a camera and forcing myself to learn? What do I need to start? Just comment and tell me what to do.

I recently (just this past Wednesday) had the kids photographed. Of course, neither would cooperate at the same exact moment, but I'm not worried about it at all. Heck, if they are crying in pictures, that's the real kid. So, I don't even care. In about 2 weeks I'll see them and hopefully they are great. I think Naydine did great outside. I'm going to love those shots... I just know it. The weather was a little rainy, the leaves were colorful, and her eyes were beautiful. And Dane.... he was pretty much done by the time we got outside:) But he was beautiful, too!

Here are a few snapshots I took at home the other day. I had the camera out and trying to ready my manual, seeing if there was something I could learn. But, since I don't know the vocab, of course I didn't learn anything. And, I did buy a book on photography about 5 years ago. And in the 5 moves I've done since buying that book, I can't find it. Imagine that! I'm pretty sure I'd learn something from the book.
You've just gotta love my chubby guy. I mean, he has a huge belly. It's awesome!!

Naydine and I made pumpkin cookies the other day. This is her version of "frosting" them...

Monday, October 22, 2007

All the new things

The one GOOD thing about Eli being gone is that it makes me take notice to all the NEW stuff my children do in a 3 week span. Then I report back to him in detail how Naydine could possibly be smarter than her mom already and how Dane is now interested in putting his finger into electrical outlets. It's crazy....

When Eli left, Dane was crawling [around on the rug]. Now he follows me into the kitchen and crawls around on the hardwoods like it's no big deal. Right, tough guy. I should hand him a rag and some soap, while he's down there.

When Eli left, Naydine would say, "Dear Baby Jesus" before she prayed. Now, she sings her own little version of 'Jesus Loves Me'. Or actually, it's 'Jesus I Wub You'. Good Lord... it is so cute. And I've tried to get it on camera a few times, but she gets all weird about it!!

And.... I've spotted breakthrough for the first of the 2 year molars. Eeeks... Teething with Naydine has NEVER gone well. She seems to be taking it like a champ so far...
By the way, what is with kids and the underwear? She comes downstairs from a nap and this is what I see....

Before Eli left, Dane had 4 white walls in his room and no curtains. Now he has 3 white walls, 1 green wall, and curtains hanging by nails.

Before Eli left, our living room was all white. Now, we have an accent wall, which is a very COOL blue. I love it!!

Ok, those last 2 were new things that I did while he was gone, so.. yeah. Well, Naydine took one look at the new blue wall and said, "Wow mom, cool paint. It's blue." This is the crap I'm talking about. How smart can she get in 2 weeks??!! Hey, at least she didn't take a look and say, "That looks icky". Which it very easily could have been.

Today I ventured out and bought a car full of groceries. Not exactly easy with the children:) I just couldn't take it anymore. I wanted to go to the FRIDGE and look for dinner, not the pantry. I just need something FRESH! It sucks being on a grocery budget.... We just had it way too good at the Cox's!! Thanks again, Gary and Jill!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

These are for my awesome husband

Here you go, Eli. I know it's only been 10 days, but don't they look different already?!?!

We miss you hon and can't wait till you get back home!!

D Baby....

Getting some action at the park....

My teeny Deeny.....

Congratulations Amy and Josh!!

We just found out tonight that Eli's sister, Amy, is pregnant with their first baby!! Yeah!! So maybe that will be a July baby?? I guess we'll have to wait and see!! Way to go guys!! Love ya!

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Today is the day

To update my blog and do some internet research. Help! I am looking for a photographer to do my kid's pictures. Dane is now 6 months old and I still have no professional pictures of him. I guess I could do JCPenney's... but I'm just not into it. I hated Naydine's.... that was the lesson at 3 months. So, if anybody knows how to find some really cool photographer, like the girls on typepad, TELL ME ABOUT THEM. I'm in Southern Pines, NC and I'm willing to drive an hour. I am not willing to spend more than $500. I have to draw the line somewhere. I'm thinking I might call this girl, but... what do you think girls?? Will I love them, because they are spendy. Well, probably not OUTRAGEOUS, but more than you tell your husband they were:)

Here are a few pics of the kids here at the house. They are such goobers sometimes. I love it!!

I actually painted an accent wall in Dane's room, soft green. It looks good. Just wait till I get those chocolate brown curtains hung. Well, they might have to wait till Eli gets home from CA which is 2 more weeks! Ugh.... I need to find a babysitter. This is why:

I think this is the week I get to start Nayders Caters. I think.... you've gotta love this contract business, you never know till last minute. So, I've been staying up late trying to work out the Sam's Club Shopping List. You know, 80 bags of lunch meat, 15 pounds of cheese, etc. I haven't been to bed before 12:30 in... who knows how long. Well, make that only 5 days. Oops..:) So, I'm going for the challenge. I think it's 40+ lunches for 10 days straight. Then the next rotation starts immediately the next day and runs 7 days. So... can I handle it? Probably not while Eli is gone but... I'll do my best. It'll be good money and Lord knows, WE NEED IT!!

I'll take some pictures of the house soon enough!! People have definitely been asking. And I didn't want to post until I painted but.... I'm not going to do THAT much painting this time. I don't know how long we'll be here and I'm not doing the WHOLE house again, like I did the last 2 houses. I'm burnt out!!

I was going to publish a 6 month birthday video of D baby, but it's way too big. Shoot!!

The North Carolina Zoo

This Zoo was pretty cool. I have to say that I've never been to a zoo this big before. So, of course, my kids get to see this on their first shot:) They didn't quite make it.... there were 2 sides, North America and Africa. Let's just say that the Africa side was a little more interesting. Possibly because the animals were large enough that Naydine didn't have to pretend to see them to satisfy her parents:)

Ok, before and after.

Before and after.
Yes, this would be the Africa side.
And this is North America.

A park by our house

This is our little park. We go here. I'll probably meet some moms here soon if I could get there before 11am. We'll see about that. I'm still trying to work out Dane's morning nap time. It varies. I feel like every time I get to the park, everybody is taking off to go make lunch or dinner. Is my B.O. that bad?:)

These pictures are mostly to keep the gmas and gpas back in MN updated. Check 'em out.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

My Fall Planter

Thanks for the idea, Jill!! She's my mother-in-law. Anyway, while we were still living at her house, her and Eli did these fall planters. I also did one with mom my and dad for mom's birthday. They turned out great so I thought I'd try my hand at it for my new house. Plus, you get to see a few pics of the front door:)

Here are a few shots from Holden Beach this weekend. The view of beach houses from a little island we were on.

And Dane, already picking up the hotties at the beach... hehe... Thata boy:)

Naydine, Eli, Bella and Alex

Monday, October 1, 2007

I'm back!!!!

Ok, well I'm not really back. But, kind of.

I still have a ton to do in the house, but I made it. And obviously, our computer is set up. Thank you, Eli:)

We made a trip to the beach this past weekend. Very cool. So, we are about 2.5 hours from our friend's beach house. A little longer that I had originally heard (1 hour 45 min) but, it's all good.

Trip with 2 children on an airplane, sick. I'm just going to suggest that if you ever "have" to do this, buy everybody a seat. You are going to need it. Dane, normally my angel, cried 80% of the time. I felt bad for him, not the guys staring me down in the seats ahead of me. And Naydine, lets just say that she's 2 and has attitude. And it's going to come to a halt any second now. Right? Well.. probably not. But she was getting her fair share of spankings today.

Looks like the townhouse is rented this time. Well.... unless I refuse them. But my current renter isn't out yet (still no orders). I guess I just panicked there in the first week of posting the rental because, I've had quite a few calls/emails lately. Which is reassuring for the future. Getting "quality" people is the hard part.

I've been reading posts from my friends in MN and it sounds like it's been rainy and chilly. Well, I'm happy to report that it has finally dropped from 95 degrees last week to 82 degrees today. Beautiful weather. I still don't even really know where I live, but, I like the weather so far. Don't like the mosquitoes so much....

Hang in there... I'll be back:)